Yesterday i saw "The Game" against two of the biggest powerhouses of European Football.. Chelsea Vs Barcelona (The last semifinal out of four).. As i m not a hardcore football fan but i like the way its governed in Europe, so i was not exactly supporting any of those two(I follow Manchester United,as usual, blame goes to my friend Daivikshashank).. But whatever happened was really shameful for any type of sport played by men with hearts..
Chelsea were heading full speed to Rome and from nowhere Iniesta scored in last minute of more than a three hour battle.. Barcelona overtakes with their away goal and a pin drop could be heard in blue stands...
Destiny robbed Chelsea once again in Champions League. Last time Terry slipped in a kick which could be last hit of year but this time destiny came in form of a Referee "Tom Henning Ovrebo"..
The most absurd piece of refereeing that could be seen in any level of sport..
4 penalties not given to Chelsea out of them 2 were hand balls.
both the hand balls were admitted by barcelona players just after the match..
The most shocking one was the handball not given after the Iniesta goal in last moment,Ballack almost grabbed referee and he got every right to do so..
Chelsea raped by destiny are now out of UCL but the most interesting thing is a conspiracy theory which suggests it was UEFA, the governing body itself, who planned a no all-england final back to back that also with same two teams..
Its quiet a possibility as Australia dominated world cricket for a decade and Real Madrid did same in European football winning first 5 champions league title from in 50s..
The all England final so often will reveal the impotency of other leagues and misgovernment of UEFA itself..
please see these links which may be right or may be wrong but raise a point... http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/article2418435.ece
No doubt even Chelsea officially condemned any such theory but who knows ....................
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