As everybody is talking let me also give my point on elections. No doubt India got the biggest democracy and its impossible to have ideal issues like no-corruption and transparent voting..
But there is a basic drawback which hinders the very thought of electing a true representative of a constituency and thats "Local Migration"...
Although its our personal duty to make sure that we must cast our vote. Voting is an exercise of utmost importance especially in a "Representative Democracy" where one can not have his official opinion in law making regularly (as in "Direct Democracy") but instead we cast our vote to choose the appropriate representative who takes the decision for us.
Now the Local Migration in India is on a very large scale and its a polarized migration, means the migrated population is rushing towards few poles and there are many factors of this migration.
2 Basic class of mass migration are..
1.Education- There is a very few chances that a student like me who appeared in any type of national exam can geographically place himself near his hometown where he/she had to vote.
So, the majority class of age 17-25 are not where they votes and this population includes all the engineering or medical or any other professional students who are considered among intellectual youth of the society.
2.Temporary or Fresh Job- The Professionals all around the country can not have any share towards democracy as they are freshers and they did not spent that necessary 5 years to have their name in the list also a temporary job produces the same problem..
Now lets see this college.. Out of 5000 citizens who all have their names in the voter list of their respective constituency can not cast their vote. Now this college becomes a "dead end" of politics or say "Democratic Bin"..
Likewise all across the country there are thousands of such democratic bins which which obstruct the very idea of a "Republic"..
As we can see clearly IPL players are also this time are part of such bin.
A citizen, however active he/she may be, cannot and will not keep his professional life behind his social or moral duties like voting..
There is a alternate method of "Postal Voting" but as seen and observed all across the globe that its very complicated form of voting and especially in India we have very less knowledge related to such methods. Also there are very basic drawbacks like "secrecy" and "one vote per person" and many other..

Napolean 200 years ago said the youth, however rebellion or unruly it may be, must be the active participant of a state no matter its democratic or autocratic or feudalist or whatever it may be..(In book "Napolean Bonapart" by Emil Ludwig)
The major effect i intensely felt is that a party(i will not name), is supported by many students and literates can never turns his political base in electoral statistics.. Huge percentage of students supports it but the basic thing is students can not vote because of their geographical placings..
That is the basic reason why many regional parties without any national view and long term manifestos becoming powerful day in and day out. No offenses meant but a large part of constituency votes on issues like caste and religion and another large part which is capable of taking wise decisions cannot vote...
Thats the reason why parties with national issues are becoming weak and parties with no issues are now in position to decide the shape of future..
Election Commission is no doubt doing a very daunting task of successfully conducting the elections in country but it had to look forward to solve the problem.
In my opinion the very easy rectification of problem is that, EC should identify the "Migration Poles" like Bangalore,Delhi and Mumbai in general and also "Democratic Bins" in particular like there are numerous colleges in a small area of Noida and Ghaziabad where more than 25 thousand students are students are studying. Also for isolated colleges like mine there should be a area of around 100-150 kilometers covers few colleges like engineering and degree colleges combined..
A personal postal ballot is not easy but today a computer with a specimen of ballot paper of all 545(i think) constituencies and a printer with seal of some officer can be placed for one "Postal Voting Booth" where every student can come and cast his vote..
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