Hi, all… I do not appreciate personal blogs which are just related to the person writing but this time I cant help… I have to tell this… Please read it as far as you could….
Its midnight, I m somewhere between Thursday and Friday and undoubtedly one of the happiest guy. The reason is very very simple but quiet have a history of its own, SPS BULLS lost. Yes you heard me right, SPS BULLS lost and I m lot lot more happier than the guys who shot them down. Its an Oh I Say!!!! Moment for me, watching the game from far away, so far I do not have any idea of score and knew only when they lost but ah they lost… Nothing can get more gratifying then this….
Why do I need to be so happy, it had to happen. They were destined for the defeat and I knew it very early… earlier than this fixture was declared.. earlier than this tournament began, even earlier than last one…Once upon a time, when i was hurt, i was really hurt by many guys, i never showed any emotion, not even to myself in alone… But today i did… I laughed.. I screamed and if there exists a parallel universe, I want to console that boy who is alone, hurt, whose ego is bruised and who cannot do anything for it but to keep quiet… Time stood by me… You all see, time stood by my side and I m laughing with him over you assholes who always demanded without even thinking how much effort I ever put. Assholes who always wanted me to keep there words but never kept my smallest of feeling. Who were stars but never care how much my hands are burnt in this stardom. Don’t get me wrong, I never asked for credit but at least listen before discarding anyone hardwork just because it doesn’t fit to your moronism…
I don’t need credit, I had enough… But I can never forget the questions asked to me, especially by the boy whom I always took care about… He hurt me not the year ago but way before than that… when we were in 2nd year and he wounded me so much that I did what I never even thought of… it was shameful but I have no control over the fury I had within…. and we both knew it...
I don’t think anyone else than me would be interested in all the things I wrote but if you are still reading it means you could sense what I m talking about…
Exactly an year ago I had to face allegations, serious ones from the guys who do not know what a team mean, who have no idea how its made, and what it takes to keep a team alive. One of the mediator, Sandeep asked me, do i have any answer to these allegements, i then said i have 100 replies of their each question but i need not to answer a single of them, because i was million percent confident of their fate. i would have confirmed their doom that week itself but Sandeep f betrayed me and shamelessly unwrapped my mission of making a new team and its painfull.. more than you could ever imagine… They would have ate the dust there only but sandeep exposed it before time and I was ravaged…
You might be thinking we are here to study and why the hell should I take Cricket so seriously, but no, it was serious, more than even i could imagine and it was about how we live and how we think… but I m happy that serious cricket is over and my time with assholes too…
Now i m happily semi retire and play for warriors, a lovely team who listen me and even i never ever shown my face in practice and friendly matches but they want me in their team as far as i think. Cricket as a game is over for me and i play just to be with the guys who took me when other teams like Broomsticks refused to take me in their team. Anyways where the hell is Broomsticks ????

At last about SPS BULLS… i have many things to say but i don’t think anyone would be interested, you already had enough reading it till here and i cannot ask for more..
There dream of Major Tournament is over in 1st round and i advice to them is that none of you ever had strength of this major tournament… Try your luck in Super 6 in Fuera, I m not going to play that but my good wishes for that..
Those guys didn’t won a single game after, not a single game in the major tournament and stars of yesterdays are out in 2 consecutive tournaments in the 1st round….
1 year… 2 Tournament… 0 Wins…
Well Done Boys!!!! After all you did this without me…..