This post is strictly for my seniors who passed out and hope they miss the college.
Before start, about this photo, i liked it a lot and i guess this pic is taken from "asha complex",also i want to know the name of the person who took it and i think he is some junior(and not some pass out)
Anyways,The new session started and we all would have surprised if college wont give any.
First of all, The hottest news around is.... The horrifying 3 days are now matter of past and now mid-sems will be conducted on every saturday(2 exams each saturday) which means instead of 3 days it will take 3 weeks to cope with one midsem exam. The wave of reactions are flowing all around and as usual almost all of them are in coarse language and bitter tone. But what i feel personally its boon for below average students like me because now we can concentrate well on an individual exam and instead of sleeping whole saturday we can atleast give them a better go. Also we can easily compensate our no-study in regular time with a bit in exam time and which will be fruitful. No doubt, 6 exams in 3 days plunge our efficiency drastically and its always better to have exams one by one with some cricket in between..
The second thing is, i cant say for better or not, the "good 'ol" man, who before even giving a look asks your CG and who have answer for all the question and thats "NO", left the college.
Yes he is none other than Registrar, and some new one came.
I didnt saw the new one and hope not to see him. He as i heard was dean of biotech and now Registrar but no doubt more strict and troublemaker...
3 in 1 of new hostel will soon be changing in to 2 in 1 again in october and 18 month curse of this hostel will get over sooner, as one boy from each room will be transferred to a even newer hostel, in front of RLV which is under construction.