I m writing this post in extreme pain as yesterday i got very horrible knee injury which few say is "sprain' or some"ligament tear" and few good friends even claimed its a fracture although minor..
The thought i want to share often comes to my mind but today i felt it with all the exact examples..
Its sad of us that practical exams are going in my college and its time for submissions and records and observations..
so today i went to my microprocessor teacher and she refused to sign my record as it was too late and i have no hard feelings for that..
She asked me to meet HOD(shanti mam).
As i was scheduled to write the exam yesterday which i didnt she asked me to meet DEAN of SOC(School of Computing).
Two things you must know is, there are two blocks(CTV and TIFAC) of 4 stories each to meet these three and the pain in my left knee was so intense it has tough for me to even sleep yesterday..
Now i made few observations.
When i was talking to my teacher i was in pain which was apparent but she not even asked me to sit (there was a chair lying by my side).. I remain standing for 1 hour
Then i went to my DS teacher and he also knew i m in pain, kept me standing for 1 hour..
HOD asked how are you and said you must meet doctor and DEAN was so humble that he written in letter that this student should get the slot he wanted and also in our talk of 2 minutes he offered me seat..
Now what i want to say i met two people who are in regular contact with me and they asked about my injury is "why are you standing in such pose" and whatever they said about my academics i deserved that but they forgotten that there is a human standing infront of me.
There was even a teacher who tought me for a year saw me crouching 5 times but her expressions were telling i m just trying to gain the bloody sympathy of teachers..
HOD who met me 5-6 times in whole asked me how i got the injury and i should take care of myself and DEAN who i dont think ever observed that i even exist in this college showed such concernes..
Why is it so ???
Teachers after coming in regular contact of students forgets that we are humans..thay treat us exactly as animals..
If i lost my record means i m just lying..
students do not deserve humour and they must be kept in class wether teacher is teaching something or not..
Students also consider teachers as their slaves.. Whatever happens they will sign my record..they will do this or that..
Whenever you will move up the hierarchy(except few) you will find people who are ready to accept the fact that students are also "Homo Sapiens"
The whole act is just like a class struggle of any society which i feel could be called as "Animals" against "Slaves"